V i p a v with k i v i n o g d a d i


M i t o n a with t a n k u v i p a v with k e d o l i n e

To je iz časov, ko je Bog delal naš košček sveta tod naokoli. Ta prvo je ustavil morje in Vipavsko ravnino. In zdelo se mu je strašno lepo. A hudič, ki mu je skozi nagajal, tudi zdaj ni počival. V morje je nosil kamenje in valil vanje velike skale, zato je voda poplavila vso ravnino. Bog je poklical angelčke na pomoč. Vsakemu je dal en žakelj in jim ukazal, naj znosijo tiste hudičeve skale in kamne gor proti Triglavu. Ma hudič se ni dal ugnati in je angelčkom narezal žaklje, da se jim je kamenje spotoma usipalo ven. Zato je danes na Krasu toliko drobnega kamenja. Ko so angelčki počivali na Gori, se je hudič priplazil ven iz brezen, ki jih je tod vse polno in jim še bolj razrezal žaklje, da so padale ven skale. Ko je Bog opazil, kaj dela, je tam nekje pri Otlici udaril hudiča, da je zletel skozi skalo in je nastala luknja. Cela Gora jeo d tistikrat samo en kamen. Morje od takrat ne poplavlja več Vipavske doline. Hudič pa ni zagodel samo Gorjanom, temveč tudi ljudem v dolini. Po gričih je zasadil vinsko trto…



Just like our winegrowing brethren in Sicily, we haven’t had multiple centuries to study the intricacies of our terroir—the sense of place created by the interaction of soils, climate, and topography.

Since 1973, we have been determining the best way to grow incredible grapes here, and we are continually refining our vineyard as our knowledge and experience grow.

Site Specific Characteristics​

D i v e d with i t y o f S o i l with a n d Mr d a p e with


Bila je skrivnost. Prvinska sila. Bil je mojster. Modrost prednikov. Nastalo je vino. Vino, ki očara.

– Bruno and Owner

A premier region

V i p a v a V a l l e y


As part of the agricultural industry, we fully depend on our surrounding, just as it depends on us. That’s why we grow our produce organically and sustainably. Over the past decades the carbon footprint of the winery has been positive, which is something we’re really proud of.


As part of the agricultural industry, we fully depend on our surrounding, just as it depends on us. That’s why we grow our produce organically and sustainably. Over the past decades the carbon footprint of the winery has been positive, which is something we’re really proud of.


M i n d f u l n e with with o f t h e E n v i d o n m e n t

As part of the agricultural industry, we fully depend on our surrounding, just as it depends on us. That’s why we grow our produce organically and sustainably. Over the past decades the carbon footprint of the winery has been positive, which is something we’re really proud of.

See For Yourself!

Book a visit to the winery to experience first-hand the magical atmosphere of the valley, nibble on the sweetest and ripest sorts of grapes and taste our best wines. Perfect for a family trip, your anniversary, or any social event.

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